Check your lines: Proper wear of headgear Published Dec. 16, 2008 By Chief Master Sgt. Ruben Gonzalez 71st Flying Training Wing command chief VANCE AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- This week, I ask you to check your lines on hats. Examine your own and check your Wingman. We all have the basics of headgear down solid. If you are outside, have a hat on your head unless you are on the flightline or in specific no-headgear areas. If you are indoors, take off your hat. When it comes to specific hats, we can all use some review. For example, the knit watch cap should only be worn when you are outdoors for an extended period of time performing outdoor details, working on the flightline or when pilots step to their aircraft. It is not for wear during transitions, such as heading from one building to another, walking to the bowling alley for lunch or running errands. Authorized colors for the watch cap when worn with the Airman battle uniform are black and sage green. While blue watch caps are authorized for some uniform combinations in Air Force Instruction 36-2903, it makes sense to go with black so you are color-correct in all authorized wear situations. Note: You can wear the watch cap with the Air Force physical training uniform. Let us take a brief look back at the no-headgear areas. These places will be clearly marked like in the flying squadrons or in the Clinic area between buildings. One of the places on Vance that is definitely not a no-headgear area is the base gas station. Yes, there is a cover overhead, but it is not the kind of overhead that authorizes you to be without a hat. So when gassing up, wear your hat. Now, for a quick review for wearing our other headgear. The flight cap is worn slightly to the wearer's right with vertical crease of the cap in line with the center of the forehead, in a straight line with the nose and one inch above the eyebrows. When not worn, tuck it under the belt on your left side between first and second belt loops. Note: Women can wear the men's flight cap. When wearing a flightsuit, the cap may be stored in either lower leg pocket without that pocket being fully zipped. When wearing the battle dress uniform and ABU hats, they should be square on the head with no hair protruding in front. It may be stowed in either of the lower cargo pockets on the trousers. Thanks Team Vance for checking your lines!