Airman 1st Class Alfonso Galan-Reyes in Silver Talon Spotlight Published Dec. 20, 2007 By Airman 1st Class Alfonso Galan-Reyes in Silver Talon Spotlight 71st Communications Squadron Vance Air Force Base, Okla. -- Hometown: Chicago, Ill. Organization: 71st Communications Squadron Duty title: 3A Information Manager Time on Silver Talon Team: 1 year What do you like about being a member of the base Honor Guard? Being able to pay respect to the brave men and women who served their country with honor and dignity. What do you enjoy about the Air Force? The many opportunities it offers and the chance to serve this country. Off-duty interests? Music, driving, riding a motorcycle andĀ friends. Do you have any words for those who would be interested in joining the Silver Talon Honor Guard Team? Everyone that is interested and really want to join, do it ASAP, it will be one of the best experiences without a doubt.