Finding a healthier way to live Published Dec. 6, 2007 By Capt. Joy Schaubhut 71st Flying Training Wing Public Affairs Vance Air Force Base, Okla. -- Oct. 24, I finished my personal behavior-modification program involving 30 days of getting "Fit to Fight." I walked or biked to and from work and around town. There are probably people who think that biking to work would be strenuous, too dangerous and just not fun to do; there were days I would have agreed. It is important to mention that I am actually pretty average when it comes to cycling. Once biking became a daily routine (getting used to a changed behavior is what behavior modification is), I began looking forward to walking or biking in the local community. For my 30-day commute, my mornings were as follows: the alarm went off a little earlier than normal, I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face (having a locker and shower at work is great), ate a snack and headed out the door for my dark morning commute. Reflective gear and back and front lighting for my bike were 110 percent imperative for my trek. About 25 minutes later, I rolled into work; by that time I felt more awake and alert than usual! I challenge you to find a healthier way to live through behavior modification before the New Year and stick with it. I also ask commanders to give subordinates incentives to participate in a behavior-modification program. Everyone has the ability to change their behavior to live a healthier lifestyle. I hope I have motivated some of you to find ways to move more and sit less throughout your day. Feel free to contact Aerospace Physiology at 213-7782, for ways to improve human performance.