5th FTS volunteers time at local center

  • Published
  • By Major Dave T. Chael
  • 5th Flying Training Squadron
School is back in session, and thanks to members of the 5th Flying Training Squadron at Vance AFB, facilities at Booker T. Washington Community Center have a fresh, clean face and are ready for a new school year.
Twenty-three Reservists and family members from the 5th FTS volunteered last weekend to help prepare the converted school building for another year of service to the community.
Constructed in the 1930s as a high school, the school was later closed and subsequently purchased by the Enid Board of Education where it now serves educational and social needs for persons of all ages in the Enid community.
Executive director Clifford Porter is very enthusiastic about the influence the center has on the local community on a daily basis, and how volunteers, such as 5th FTS member and T-38 instructor pilot Lt Col J.T. Yelle, have profoundly impacted individuals of all ages. Colonel Yelle has been a volunteer youth basketball coach for a number of years and spearheaded the renovation project on behalf of the 5th for the center. He also coordinated a tremendously successful Christmas Party last year at the center that was enjoyed by a large number of underprivileged kids from the community.
Ongoing programs at the Center include educational programs (after-school tutoring, a Kids Café Cooking Class, computer class, summer camp and arts and crafts programs), athletic programs (youth and church basketball leagues, boys and girls flag football) and fitness programs for all ages. The center also provides a meeting place for other community organizations and churches. Other agencies served include the Wheatheart Nutrition Project, Inc. where the facility's kitchen prepares over 300 meals each day for local residents, and the Carver Head Start program, enabling 30 to 35 kids use the gym for recreation every day.
Following Mr. Porter's welcome, the volunteers got to work and eagerly attacked various cleaning, painting and repair projects. Two large classrooms used for computer training and tutoring were spruced-up with fresh paint. In addition, miscellaneous plumbing repairs and other painting projects completed throughout the facility helped to make a big difference in only one day. A great time was had by everyone who volunteered for this very worthwhile project -- the building really looks great, and thanks to the efforts of the 5th FTS, school can begin this fall with a fresh, clean appearance.