Silver Talons seek volunteers for Honor Guard duty

  • Published
  • By A1C Jennifer Jackson
  • Public Affairs
Vance Honor Guard is looking for sharp, professional Airmen to be a part of their elite team, the Silver Talons.
The Honor Guard is struggling at Vance because of deployments, temporary duties and normal low manning issues affecting many installations. Many bases around the country have full time Honor Guard detail, however, Vance can't afford to lose the manning to support additional duties.
Presently there are approximately 25 members, many of whom belong to the 71st Security Forces Squadron or other low-manned facilities. Honor Guard members travel around northwest Oklahoma and parts of Kansas.
Traveling is not always the case. There are plenty of opportunities to be a part of the Honor Guard in the local area or base ceremonies. Details are normally not very often but due to the lack of volunteers some of the members have been rather busy the past few weekends. New members are needed to relieve others from filling every detail.
The Honor Guard volunteers participate in parades, funerals, posting of the Colors, retreat, and various flag ceremonies.
A1C Nathan Jackson of the 71st Security Forces Squadron, who has been nominated for Honor Guard member of the Quarter, points out several benefits that come with being a volunteer.
"Being an Honor Guard member you have the opportunity to meet members of the wing staff."
Members also get some of the best parking on base, free dry cleaning, one free hair cut a month, and after a probationary period, people receive a free tailored Honor Guard uniform.
However the best benefit is, "the feeling from helping the community by performing military honors for families," SrA Andrew Heckathorn, 25th Flying Training Squadron explained.
Airmen Jackson and Heckathorn would like to encourage people to come out and watch practice or ceremonies to get a feeling of what the Honor Guard really does. Both Airmen agree that, "People should participate to show their respect for those who have served before them."
Practice is held every other Thursday at the Honor Guard building (formally the Airman's Attic) at 3:30 p.m. for about an hour. The next practice takes place Aug. 12.
It doesn't matter what type of job individuals have, the Honor Guard needs all that are willing to volunteer. Many of the details are during the weekend or after work hours, so there's always something for everyone's schedule.
For more information, contacts are SSgt Melissa Satterlee at 6564, SSgt Jennifer Kinney at 7419 or MSgt Jeffrey Andrews at 6468.