• Lorenz on Leadership: Ordinary people becoming extraordinary Airmen

    During my 37 years in the Air Force I have served with many great Airmen. Recently, the Air Force announced the retirement of five of our very best: Gens. Howie Chandler, Kevin Chilton and Roger Brady as well as Chief Master Sgts. Pam Derrow and Rob Tappana.Each one of these Airmen has selflessly

  • A short, effective list

    I have attended many luncheons, banquets and graduations in my 27 years of service and at most there was a guest speaker. They touched one way or another on their "list." Their lists for the most part dealt with traits of a good leader or a good follower.Some dealt specifically with what it takes to

  • The only constant is change: Work smarter, encourage creativity

    "Change is about different! Thinking different! Doing different! Getting different results!" -- Rolf Smith, author and leadership consultantNewton's First Law of Motion states that bodies at rest tend to remain at rest, and that bodies in motion tend to remain in motion. They only change when a

  • To be successful you have to enjoy what you’re doing

    While preparing to fly with a T-38 student in the formation phase of training this past week, I was reminded of how important it was to enjoy what one does in life. As I sat down to brief the two-ship formation flight, I asked the student, whom I had never flown with, how things were doing.The

  • Lorenz on Leadership -- Love your people

    I have gained a wealth of knowledge during my career, but one point remains at the top of the list ... love your people. Through Lorenz on Leadership articles and presentations, I have shared countless personal stories. While they always have different themes, one constant is the wonderful examples

  • The leadership paradox: To lead, we should serve

    "Remember son, take care of your Airmen and they will take care of the mission." My grandfather, James L. Bottomlee, spoke these words of wisdom to me on the day I entered the Air Force."Grandpa James" served in the U.S. Army Air Forces throughout World War II loading bombs on the B-26 Marauder in

  • Leslie Lorenz on Leadership – Spouse Wingmen

    I recently met two young military wives. I was so happy to meet these bright, young, eager, new spouses as they and their husbands begin an exciting career in our wonderful Air Force. Randolph AFB is the first assignment for one of the couples. They are originally from the northeast and come from

  • Time - the most valuable thing one can spend

    Theophrastus, a student of Plato and later Aristotle, said, "Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend." I like this quote for two reasons.First, quoting a Greek philosopher will give this commentary an air of intellectual legitimacy. Second, I think he's right on the money.Speaking of money

  • Lorenz on Leadership -- Professional advocacy

    As a service member, I have fought for programs and resources throughout my career. In many cases these battles were a matter of advocacy -- my opportunity to fight for things I believed in. I began facing these challenging moments within days of my entry into military service. As a result, I have

  • 'End of year madness' is almost upon us -- again

    The madness called, "End of Year," which affects everybody involved with money, is almost upon us. Get ready to spend that fallout money.Throughout the year Finance and your resource advisor say we don't have any money but suddenly we start telling you to spend, spend, spend. How can we not have