Coffee bar provides atmosphere, refreshment for study sessions

  • Published
  • By Katy Drost
  • 71st Logistics Readiness Squadron
Since 1968, Lilla Skaggs has served bar drinks that vary from cola to rum and cola.
These days, she also pours coffee for customers at Vance Club's new Coffee Study Bar.
A nightly bartender at Vance Club for the past two years, Ms. Skaggs said she's happy to serve customers coffee with either cream and sugar, or mixed with something a little stronger.
"I'm not a coffee drinker, so I don't know how the flavored coffee we serve would go with something like (a flavored liqueur)," Ms. Skaggs said, but she's willing to prepare any requests.
A new item at Vance Club, the Coffee Study Bar offers two types of coffee that change regularly, plus brownies and cookies. It is open from 4 to 10:30 p. m. Tuesdays through Thursdays in the Club's lounges.
But the Club offers more than just coffee on weeknight, Club operations assistant
Sandra Walker said.
"On Tuesday through Thursday nights, (customers) can select from our Grab and Go menu, which consists of salads and an assortment
of sandwiches," she said.
Ms. Walker said the club presents a perfect environment for students wanting to study on the days that the Coffee Bar is open.
"It's a quiet atmosphere; I think they would like the big study area," she said. "A group of people can come and study, and they can have an open discussion."
And when it's break time, the club offers pool, crud, television and even movies, she said.
"They can come over and not only study, but watch a movie," Ms. Walker said. "We have the tools to help them in their studying. This is their club, and we're here for them."
And that means providing an area that's conducive for both relaxing at the bar and serious studying that includes the perks of coffee, food and lots of table room for discussions.
The popularity of Tuesday nights' all-you-can-eat meal menus may create a poor study environment for those few hours, but the Club generally remains a quiet spot that Vance people can use to fit their needs, Ms. Walker said.
"The Club can be just one stop where (patrons) can eat, study and use the bar," she said.