Voice issues, concerns using AF Community Assessment Survey

  • Published
  • By 2nd Lt. Nicole Poff
  • Public Affairs
Two years ago when service members left their spouses for deployments, there was little to no support available to help alleviate the stressors a spouse must deal with before, during and after a deployment.
Today, a Deployed Spouses Group exists for spouses of deployed active duty, Reserve and Guard members living throughout the surrounding area.
This group was created after a need was realized from results of the last Community Assessment survey.
"Our goal with the Community Assessment is to address the issues that come up and to deliver the services people want," said Maj. Ron Johnson, 71st Medical Group family advocacy chief and chair of the Integrated Delivery Service.
The Community Assessment is given every other year to help the Integrated Delivery Service providers such as life skills, family support, family advocacy and the chaplain to assess the community's needs and improve services to better meet those needs.
"It's imperative to take the assessment and let your voice be heard," said Dave McCoy," 71st Flying Training Wing family support chief.
Some of the positive changes from past assessments have been the housing upgrades and schooling programs aiding service members in pursuing their degree, said Mr. McCoy.
The Community Assessment Survey, a Web-based system that takes approximately 25 to 30 minutes to complete, was launched April 27 and will be sent randomly to more than 800 Team Vance members to include active duty, Reserve Airmen, their spouses and Department of Defense civilians.
The survey's primary focus is quality of life issues and include questions on deployment, stress, depression and abuse, said Major Johnson.
With increased deployment rotations affecting all branches of the Armed Forces, creating services to deal with deployment issues is at the forefront of the Integrated Delivery Service.
"The primary issue we're focusing on is the integration of services for the families and the servicemembers that are returning from deployments," said Major Johnson. "We want to make sure that everything is handled appropriately and there is minimal disruption to their lives."
The survey results should be compiled by Sept. 1 and help the IDS and the wing commander create a plan to address the needs of the base.