ID rules change for base access Published April 22, 2020 71th Flying Training Wing Public Affairs VANCE AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- “Effective April 27, as directed by Headquarters Air Force, Vance Air Force Base will suspend the Trusted Traveler program at the base entry gates,” said Col. Anthony L. Smith, the 71st Mission Support Group commander. Beginning Monday, all individuals age 16 and over must have one of the following credentials to enter the installation: - Common Access Card - Dependent or retiree ID - Defense Biometric Identification System card - Entry Access List - State ID plus visitor’s pass If an individual does not have one of the listed credentials, they must be sponsored with a pass issued at the Visitor Control Center during normal duty hours, and at the Hairston Gate after hours. Military dependents can be issued an ID card as early as 10 years of age and no later than 16 years of age. The Vance Military Personnel Flight schedules appointments for ID cards Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 580-213-7500 to schedule an appointment.