Team Vance boasts AETC weather SNCO of the year for Army support

Team Vance boasts AETC weather SNCO of the year for Army support -- The 71st Operations Support Squadron's chief of weather station support was named the Air Education and Training Command's weather Senior NCO of the year for Army Support for 2015.

Master Sgt. Richard Lawson II joined Team Vance in August, after serving a tour with the Army at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California.

Among the many accomplishments listed in Lawson's award package are expediting nine medical evacuation launches and being a drop zone support team leader for two high altitude low opening jumps.

Winning an award at the major command level is a significant accomplishment in Lawson's 15-year Air Force career.

"It's really huge, especially when you go before boards to get promoted or if you try to put your name in for (the Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Academy), which can be competitive, or even a sister service NCOA," Lawson said. "It obviously helps out in your career a lot."

Lawson's supervisor, Vance weather flight commander 1st Lt. Kyle Yaffe, called Lawson high-speed and said he appreciates the wealth of experience from both the Air Force and the Army that Lawson brings to the weather flight.

"He is the epitome of service before self," said Yaffe. "He cares about the mission and the people more than his personal life and desires, and I see that pretty much every single day."

Lawson's award package is now under review at the Air Force level.