Vance “AIMs” for fuel savings with new vehicle tracking system Published Aug. 12, 2015 71st FTW Public Affairs VANCE AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- Team Vance recently joined an Air Force wide initiative to reduce fuel consumption in its commercial fleet. The Automated Information Module Fuel Management system, better known as AIM 2 has been installed in all general purposed vehicles in the Vance fleet. General purpose vehicles include security forces vehicles and squadron cars - anything that isn't specialized such as a fire engine. AIM 2 tracks fuel mileage, speed and vehicle health, and reports it to vehicles maintainers every time the car is refueled. This system gives the Air Force an idea of which vehicles are the most fuel efficient for future purchasing and gives commanders an idea of how Airmen conduct themselves while using government equipment, said Wayne Shearon, a PAE vehicle inspector. "It's a great too, because it really takes the guess work out of it," said Gary Reed, a PAE lead vehicle maintainer. "When we need to do repairs we can just pull the report to see when the issue started." Fueling is also a simpler task for drivers now. Instead of using a special key at the pumps, users will be able to pull in and fill up with ease. Eventually the Air Force will use the system at all its bases, said Reed.