Air Force gains 18 new pilots during SUPT Class 16-05 graduation at Vance

  • Published
  • 71st Flying Training Wing Public Affairs

VANCE AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- The U.S. Air Force awarded wings to 18 new pilots today during the graduation of Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training Class 16-05 at Vance Air Force Base.

All but one will leave here for other locations for additional aviation training. That one will remain to train future pilots to fly the T-6A Texan II trainer.

Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Hauser, the assistant adjutant general of the Indiana Air National Guard, was the guest speaker for the graduation, held at 10 a.m. in the base auditorium before guests, family, friends and members of SUPT Class 17-05.

Graduation certificates and distinguished graduate awards were presented to the new pilots by Col. Fred Cunningham, the 71st Flying Training Wing vice commander.

Col. John Cinnamon, the 71st Operations Group commander, presented awards for academic excellent, leadership and flying training.

General Hauser presented the Air Education and Training Command commander’s trophies.

Award winners were:
Academic Excellence in the T-1A Jayhawk, 2nd Lt. John Clark; T-38 Talon, 2nd Lt. Sean Cahill.
Leadership Award in the T-1, Capt. Chase Mattingly; T-38, 1st Lt. Timothy Mundschenk.
Flying Training Award in the T-1, 2nd Lt. Megan Kraynak; T-38, 2nd Lt. Nathan Fisher.
Distinguished Graduate in the T-1, 2nd Lt. Megan Kraynak, T-38, 2nd Lt. Nathan Fisher.
The Daedalian AETC Commander’s Trophy in the T-1, 2nd Lt. Megan Kraynak; T-38, 2nd Lt. Nathan Fisher.

Recipients of the Risner River Rats Awards were: T-1, 2nd Lt. Richard Gonzales; T-38, 2nd Lt. John Reuter.

Following the graduation ceremony, the new pilots gathered by the base flag pole for a group photo opportunity as a four-ship formation of T-38s approached from the east and passed over the gathering.

Class 16-05 graduates were: Capts. Daniel J. Arey, Richard D. Culver, Chase R. Mattingly; 1st Lt. Timothy J. Mundschenk; and 2nd Lts. Sean P. Cahill, John R. Clark, Matthew R. Culley, Beau A. Davidson, Nathan E. Fisher, Richard A. Gonzales, Brandon D. Humphreys, Brandon M. Johnson, Megan N. Kraynak, Josalynn L. Maskill, Matthew L. Nelson, John J. Reuter, Joel R. Robinson and Jacob H. Weiner.

The graduates received assignments for training in the:
KC-135 Stratotanker, an aerial refueling and transport aircraft;
EC-130, a specially modified version of the Hercules;
F-16 Fighting Falcon, a compact, multi-role fighter aircraft;
MQ-1 Predator, an armed, long-endurance remotely piloted aircraft;
E-3 Sentry, an airborne warning and control system;
C-146A Wolfhound, a special operations transport;
C-17 Globemaster III, the Air Force’s newest, most flexible cargo aircraft;
C-130J Hercules, a tactical airlift vehicle capable of operating from undeveloped airfields;
F-15C Eagle, an all-weather tactical air-superiority fighter;
RC-135, an extensively modified special duty aircraft;
U-28A, a special operations tactical airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft.